Our Foray into the Medical Sector

medical sector

We, at Shore Auto Rubber Exports, recently got an enquiry from a Cardiologist from our city – Pune, India.

The EECP machine he was using needs Silicone Flexible Tubes regularly when the ones that are in use eventually tear. Since the Tubes he was using were made in China, and the factory that supplies them was in lockdown, he turned to us.

What we did is, not only develop the Hoses for him in a High-Tear strength Silicone Rubber grade, but also gave it some fabric reinforcement so that they last longer, and he does not have to bother about down-times and maintenance.

Furthermore, the flexibility needed for these hoses, to achieve the same in “wrapped”, to what the “moulded” version was designed to do was a challenge. Add to that, the end-cuffs were to be designed as per the adjoining parts, which is easy to do in the “moulded” version but was challenging in the “wrapped” version. Glad to say, we have overcome these challenges and the Hoses are working fine.

Silicone hose for medical use

What is EECP?

EECP is a mechanical procedure in which long inflatable cuffs (like blood pressure cuffs) are wrapped around both of the patient’s legs. While the patient lies on a bed, the leg cuffs are inflated and deflated synchronously with each heartbeat.
The inflation and deflation are controlled by a computer, which uses the patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) to trigger inflation early in diastole (when the heart relaxes and is filled with blood), and deflation just as systole (heart contraction) begins.
The inflation of the cuffs occurs sequentially, from the lower part of the legs to the upper, so that the blood in the legs is “milked” upwards, toward the heart.

Do you have a similar requirement or need customized hoses?  Contact us and we will be able to help with your project.