Fire-Resistant Silicone “Rail” Hoses

Our range of  “Flame-retardant” Hoses with extreme low Smoke-Toxicity/Smoke-Emission for RAIL applications are:


Economy version approvals:

IEC-60695 – VO
“HL1” for R22 and “HL1” + “HL2” for R23; as per EN45545-2.


Premium version approvals:

IEC-60695 – VO
“HL1” + “HL2” for R22 and “HL1” + “HL2” for R23; as per EN45545-2


High-end version approvals:

IEC-60695 – VO

The raw material is approved for  “HL1” + “HL2” + “HL3” for R1, R7, R22, and R23; as per EN45545-2.

Note: We recommend having “meta-aramid” reinforcement for the Premium and High-end versions.

Rail hoses