Quality Control

Our manufacturing operations are inspected, verified and tested by various norms under the IATF16949:2015 requirements. Full-fledged traceability is also our promise to customers.
Strict quality analysis and checks are conducted during and post manufacturing operations. This helps us deliver products a cut above the DIN/ASTM/SAE standards, as well as those that exceed our clients’ specifications.

The Testing and Quality Control Include:

  • 100% Material Testing before Production (including Rheometric Analaysis)
  • Online statistical process controls for “thickness” and other Special Characteristics defined by Customer
  • Time and Temparture Control during Curing and Post-Curing of the Hoses
  • Online Dimensional Control during Calendering via Sensors
  • 100% Visual Inspection (Final Inspection)
  • Dimensional and Destructive (pressure resistance) Tests done as per a Sampling Plan
  • Ply-Adhesion (bonding between rubber-rubber and rubber-fabric)
  • Full Fledged Traceability (backed up on our ERP system)
  • Life-cycle tests (Pressure cycles while maintaining temperatures upto 220 degrees centigrade inside and outside the hose)
  • Burst pressure at elevated temperatures (upto 250 degrees centigrade)

Other test as needed by the customer can also be undertaken, for e.g. Ozone, Thermal Shock, Salt-Spray for metal fittings, Dust Resistance, etc.

  • Our Hoses are REACH and ROHS compliant. Furthermore, we confirm that we do not use any Conflict Minerals, and all our suppliers of raw-materials have given us an undertaking to that effect. For REACH compliance, we check internally, all the CAS #s of all our Raw-materials, and make sure they are not any of the SVHCs in the Candidate List.

Our Certifications

Our Awards & Recognitions

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Our Different Construction Options:

Silicone Hose Factory:

Polymer (inner and outer) Reinforcement Option
Silicone Polyester or Meta-aramid
Inner Fluorosilicone, Outer Silicone Polyester or Meta-aramid
Inner FKM/Viton®, Outer Silicone Polyester or Meta-aramid
High-temperature Silicone Usually Meta-aramid
Inner Fluorosilicone, Outer High-temperature Silicone Usually Meta-aramid
Inner FKM/Viton®, Outer High-temperature Silicone Usually Meta-aramid
Inner FEPM/, Outer Silicone Polyester or Meta-aramid
Inner FEPM, Outer High-temperature Silicone Usually Meta-aramid
Abrasion resistant Silicone Polyester or Meta-aramid
Fire-resistant silicone as per EN45545-2 Polyester or Meta-aramid
Marine grade silicone as per SAE J2006-R3 Polyester or Meta-aramid


Note*: We also have an intermediate option, that works at temperatures somewhere between our regular Silicone, and our High-temperature Silicone options.

Rubber Hose Factory:

Polymer (inner and outer) Reinforcement Option
EPDM Polyester or Aramid
Peroxide-EPDM Polyester or Aramid
NBR Polyester or Aramid
CR Polyester or Aramid
Inner NBR,Outer CR Polyester or Aramid
Inner NBR, Outer CSM/Hypalon® Polyester or Aramid
AEM/Vamac® Usually Aramid
High-temperature AEM/Vamac® Usually Aramid
Inner Viton®/FKM, Outer AEM/Vamac® Usually Aramid
SBR Usually Polyester
NR Usually Polyester
Anti-static EPDM Polyester or Aramid
Silicone modified EPDM (Blue colour) Polyester or Aramid
HNBR Usually Aramid
ECO Usually Aramid
Inner Viton®/FKM, Outer ECO Usually Aramid
Inner ECO, Outer CR Polyester or Aramid
Inner ECO, Outer CSM/Hypalon® Polyester or Aramid
NBR/PVC Polyester or Aramid
Inner NBR, Outer NBR/PVC Polyester or Aramid


Note*: Many hoses from the Silicone Hose and the Rubber Hose factories, can be offered with a steel-wire or plastic-wire ply, if needed.